Sunday, January 17, 2016

So in Love...with Books! Giveaway

The Glyph Girls LOVE books and so do some of our favorite blogging buddies! We've come together to bring you this fabulous giveaway for Valentine's Day. We have each chosen a Valentine book to blog about, AND we've created a FREEBIE to match our book, AND you can win ALL 12 of the books!!! Sweet!

Here's all the Valentine books YOU could win...


It's easy to enter. Blog Hop from one blog to the next collecting our Freebies. As you go, jot down the magic number from each blog. After you have visited all 12 blogs, add ALL of your numbers together. (Calculators are allowed!) Enter the total of all 12 numbers in the Rafflecopter for a chance to win all 12 books. You can earn bonus entries from following each of our TpT stores, as well!

The winner will be announced on Sunday, January 24! This should allow the winner to receive all the books at the beginning of February. Now let us tell you about the book we've chosen...
Love, Splat.

EVERYONE loves SPLAT the Cat!!
Students will love spending Valentine's Day
with a nervous Splat!
He has made a very special Valentine for a
special cat named Kitten.
Splat is a bundle of nerves!
He is scared to give the Valentine to her.
Then, he finds out Spike likes her, too!
A love triangle!!
You will just have to read the book to your
class to find out who
Kitten chooses!

Remember to click the Green Star to follow us
when you download our Freebie on TpT!
Click the pic below for Freebie!

This will be available as a FREEBIE
for the week of January 17-23 only.

Enter the contest here!
Remember you need to collect and add
together the numbers from each of the 12 blogs.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hop on over to our friend, Stuckey in Second, next.
Just click on the pic below to go to her blog.


  1. Awesome! Who doesn't love Splat?! My kids will have a blast thanks to your glyph. Thank you so much!

  2. I can't wait to make Splat with my students! Thank you for the adorable project.

  3. Thanks for the awesome freebie, so many quality activities! :)

  4. Love the Glyph Girls and thanks for the freebie!!!!
